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Students arriving late to class are disruptive to the learning process. Therefore, it is every student’s responsibility to be on time and prepared to learn when class begins. Students who arrive after the second bell are considered tardy. Three tardies per semester will be reported to the office and result in one unit of detention. Excessive tardiness may also result in a reduction in grade or other severe disciplinary action. Coming to class without the necessary materials is also considered tardiness.

Late Arrivals to School

Students arriving late to school must bring a note from home and immediately sign in the binder located in the front office. Students will not be admitted to class without a note from the office. On the following day, the student must present a note to each teacher whose class was missed.

A student who shows up more than ten minutes into the class may be marked absent by a teacher.

Early Departure

Students desiring to leave early due to illness must first obtain permission from Mrs. Gold, or if he is unavailable, from one of the secretaries. A student will not be released from school until a legal guardian has first been contacted by a secretary in the office. Students leaving early for reasons other than sickness must bring a parental note to Mrs. Gold in advance of the absence.

Open Campus

The Academy is an open campus, however we strongly discourage 9th and 10th grade students from leaving campus.

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